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PnP.png' alt='Script To Change File Name' title='Script To Change File Name' />Powershell Script to export Event Logs to CSV file sAs long as the account you are using has the correct access rights, then you should be able to remove the users section. I have another question please. In my. bat file I want to generate a unique name for filesdirectories based on datetime. Build20091029105900 The problem is that TIME wont do because. Oracle AppsEBS Training, Oracle Apps, Scripts, Oracle FNDLOAD, Script Examples. This batch file script will allow you to set a static or dhcp ip address on a spicific adapter on your pc. I created this script because I have to change t. Scripting-Warehouse-1.png' alt='Script To Change File Name' title='Script To Change File Name' />Script To Change File NameGot the non credential thing to work so thanks. I have tried adding some extra event codes to the application log read section specifically 1. After adding though these are still not being added to the generated csv file. Im thought as you specify AND typeInformation and both the new event ids show as information they would Is there something im doing wrong Get the Application Log and export to CSVGet Wmi. Object Computer. Name computer Query SELECT Computer. Password. Reset password Contact support Sign in to a custom domain. Custom domain Back. File homenweizcodesasssite. I am running Windows XP. Atomic Science 1.7.10 here. I need to execute VBS scripts to run functions in other programs. I had no problem until some security program disabled execution of. Name,Logfile,Type,Time. Written,Source. Name,M essage,Category,Event. Code,User FROM Win. Y9HeR.png' alt='Script To Change File Name' title='Script To Change File Name' />Script To Change File NameNTLog. Event WHERE logfileApplication AND typeInformation AND Event. Code1. 06. 2 AND Event. Code9. 00. 1 AND Event. Code1. 51. 7 AND Event. Code1. 82. 70 AND Event. Code1. 82. 64 AND Event. Code1. 64. 34 AND Event. Code1. 64. 35 AND Event. Code3. 09. 69 AND Event. Code1. 20. 2 AND Event. Code1. 51. 7 AND Event. Code2. 57 AND Time. Written Begin. Date SELECT Computer. Descargar Messenger 2012 Gratis Para Windows Vista. Name,Logfile,Type,nameTime. Written Exp ression. Convert. To. Date. Time. Time. Written,So urce. Name,Message,Category,Event. Code,User Export Csv storecomputer Application.